• 喀什米爾高山羊絨圍巾 Pashmina scarf

    喀什米爾高山羊絨圍巾(Kashmir pashmina scarf)採用世界上能合法獲取到的最好的羊絨“pashmtoosh”製作而成,Pashmtoosh是優質、昂貴羊絨的代表。在烏爾都語中被稱為“羊毛之王”,是世界上最細的毛之一,也是目前人類不用獵殺藏羚羊,而能獲取的最好的羊絨原料。其輕柔若水、親膚柔軟又非常保暖。 Pashmina scarf Kashmir pashmina scarf iDetail
  • 喀什米爾高山羊絨圍巾 Pashmina scarf

    喀什米爾高山羊絨圍巾(Kashmir pashmina scarf)採用世界上能合法獲取到的最好的羊絨“pashmtoosh”製作而成,Pashmtoosh是優質、昂貴羊絨的代表。在烏爾都語中被稱為“羊毛之王”,是世界上最細的毛之一,也是目前人類不用獵殺藏羚羊,而能獲取的最好的羊絨原料。其輕柔若水、親膚柔軟又非常保暖。• Kashmir pashmina scarf is made from thDetail
  • Imperfect match vintage dress with the same printing on knitted and chiffon fabric ❣100% Kashmir needle scarf

    Imperfect match vintage dress with the same printing on knitted and chiffon fabric ❣100% Kashmir needle scarf www.estawom.comDetail
  • Imperfect is true perfect!! 100% made in India Handmade with

    Imperfect is true perfect!! 100% made in India Handmade with www.estawom.comDetail
  • PerFect art lovers vs Perfect Match floral needle work vs solid color scarf mix & match vs tone on tone 為客人配搭了mix & match 的 效果,客人非常滿意,大家可以多嘗試這種兩條混搭的方式,style & Chic

    PerFect art lovers vs Perfect Match floral needle work vs solid color scarf mix & match vs tone on tone 為客人配搭了mix & match 的 效果,客人非常滿意,大家可以多嘗試這種兩條混搭的方式,style & Chic www.estawom.comDetail